Saturday, December 4, 2010

Mrs. “O” – 5; Childhood Obesity – 0 - The First Lady Gains another Win with New Legislation

This week, the House passed “The Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act”, legislation that would increase the reimbursement rates for school lunches by about 6 cents per meal allowing more children to become eligible for school meals and would also set nutritional standards for all foods that are served in public schools. Under this legislation, the Agricultural Department would set the standards that would require that foods served during school hours meet at least the minimum nutritional guidelines which would include leaner cuts of meat, fresh fruit, veggies and whole grains. Foods that are currently popular amongst students like hamburgers and pizza would not be removed altogether, but would also now have to meet these healthier standards. This would also mean that the candies and cakes often found in vending machines will now be replaced by healthier snack options and less high calorie/high sugar soft drinks. In addition to the above, this bill would help to provide the much needed funds to serve over 20 million more after-school meals each year to children in every state who for many, now only receive snacks instead of a full balanced and nutritious meal.

This piece of legislation has become a major part of First Lady Michelle Obama’s “Let’s Move” campaign to combat childhood obesity in the US.  Way to go FLOTUS! Thank you for helping to keep America’s children healthy.

For the full press release click here:

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